Saturday 11 September 2010

Woo Hoo!! I DID IT!!!


I never thought i could do it,if you ask anyone who knows me, i was always putting myself down & totally convinced myself i would'nt pass first time at all & well I DID!!!

With only 4 minor faults!!

i have been so ill for over a week that i just went in there basically so as to not waste the money i had already paid for the test as it was too late to re-schedule or cancel without losing the money & having to pay all over again..

i figured i would rather give it go & fail than waste the money & not even attempt it sooooo.. i was very pleased to find that i had passed... NO MORE RED L PLATES FOR ME!!!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Been ill :(

Well I know there has'nt been any blog posts lately, i have been ill :( *Sad face*

I have a Abscess in my mouth which is causing me alot of pain, i cant eat, sleep or function properly.

I have a batch of antibiotics so hopefully they will kick in very soon as to top it off i have my Driving test in a few days, which i am determined to do, it has already been cancelled once (by them, not me) so all your good vibes & confidence sent my way would be great!!!

Anyway hoping to get back to normal very soon xxx

Take care xxx